
Monday, March 9, 2009


<------- having fun with grapes! I was laughing and taking the pic. at the same time. I'm such a dork...

So, for many of you that don't know, I am a HUGE David Archuleta Fan! I have a poster in my room, I have one dresser that is for David stuff only (david dresser of fame!) and I have even made the effort to see him in concert! A couple Sundays ago, me and a friend from work traveled down to Allentown for this shindig. As we got to the concert place (crocodile rock--name for the club)..we weren't that hungry and by looking around the town we decided not to eat there since we weren't in the mood for food poisoning. So we take Zebra Cakes and Kashi Bars and decide that that would be enough to last us for the night....WRONG! I was so stinkin' hungry! (which we finished 15 min. after getting in line) There was a Subway nearby and we figured we would get something there and eat it in line...IT WAS CLOSED! I was mad..and if you know me-- when Fat Kid needs to eat Fat Kid needs to eat! So we stood in line for 2 hours waiting for them to open the doors and in the meantime I had to go to the Restroom and so did my friend. So, we decided that she would go and then I would go....she went and came back and told me to go ahead. I looked at her and looked around this town and noticed that there were guys looking at us giving creepy looks and backed out. So, finally the doors opened and off we go inside. It was a stand only concert and I would be lucky if I even got to see my man. ugh. Luckily, I brought my camera to take pics. of the concert! After screaming my guts out and enjoying this concert, I decide to stand in line to get memoribilia. I got a shirt, buttons, and a poster. Anyway, by the time the concert was over and starving to death, we decide we would drive awhile until we got out of this town and stop at WaWa (like a sheetz but better). We didn't get home until 2am and we both had to be in school at 8. ugh.

Me and Whit David
On the way down, I made a video (which I act like I'm high/drunk. I'm such a dork) and took pictures because I was so bored. I'll only upload some of them. hopefully it works...


Melissa said...

You are sooooo funny! ROTFL!!!!! I love you and miss you tons- I am so happy you were able to go!
