
Monday, February 2, 2009

Bad Day!!!

So..i had a very bad today. It started with this morning before I left for school. I lost the keys to the car and was running late. I remembered seeing the keys on the counter but not knowing where I had put them or if I did anything with them. School starts at 8:30 and it was 8:25 (i live like 3 min. away from the school but I hate to be late to anything)...anyway, so I was like forget this and was getting ready to walk (walking distance is a mile and a half-two miles) when i found my keys....THEY WERE IN MY POCKET!!! I was ticked. haha. So I'm walking in the parking lot headed for the front entrance when I slip on black ice. I just sat there for a minute thinking "oh crap, is this what my day is going to be like?" so i got up and not even 5 seconds later I fall in the this point I had had it!!! ugh! So I finally got to class thinking "okay, maybe it won't be so bad in here" well, when we were doing our assigned jobs....I was getting in the closet to get more suctions and when I was walking back to one of the operatories I hear this noise come in from the closet and all the suctions had fallen on the floor so I had to pick them up, put them in sterilization....while i'm picking these up off the floor I had started crying...I don't know what was with me this morning...this past weekend i was emotional. anyway, i hope tomorrow i have a better day tomorrow!!

