
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Lifes Good

So, this past weekend, my family and I went to D.C. for a couple days. We left on Friday and we were about an hour away from our hotel when we pulled over at a rest area and we had a flat tire! BUMMER!! At least I had my Ipod. We got the spare put on (let me rephrase that--my dad put it on) and when he got the spare was flat...wahoo. So my madre called AAA and sent a dude out to pump air in it. We finally got a new tire and were on our way. Friday night we went to the D.C. visitor center to see my friend perform in a concert for her was really good. Then, we headed downtown to look at the monuments...It was the first time that I ever saw the monuments at night all lit up and it was beautiful! Saturday we decided that we were going to go to the museums but when we got was RAINING!!! So, stupid me forgot to pack a sweatshirt with a hood and all I had was a cotton jacket with a hood--did i forget to mention it was like 50 degrees out?? yepp! we went to the the American History Museum and waited in a line for 20 minutes. When we got in, it was packed!! I mean, lines every which way. I wanted to go see the Lincoln exhibit..but there was a line..I wanted to go see the First Ladies section..and you guessed it..A LINE!! so we decided to blow the joint and go to the Air and Space..I was in a bad mood once we reached this place so I decided to sit it out. It looked pretty cool from what I saw. So, after that museum we decided to head home..FINALLY!! it was a good trip we just wished it was nicer weather. So, then for Easter we went to my grandparents house. My uncle was there that I hadn't seen for 3 months and my 2nd cousin that I hadn't seen since Christmas. The food was good and visiting was fun too!

A couple weekends ago was Conference and my favorite talk was given by Jeffrey R. Holland. It was titled "None were with him" to basically sum it all up--Christ walked alone a majority of his life especially while in Gethsamane. Then, he said that we don't have to walk alone which is why we have been given teachers, mentors, family on both sides of the veil, etc. I'm grateful for those that have walked beside me all my life. I have been blessed with a great family and I love them!

<-- we broke two of these rules: we broke the no pets rule by bringing kellen in and the no smoking one..i broke that one :) jkjkjkjk

